
Player Registration


Online player registration allows clubs to store player information on the Whole Game System Club Portal and submit this to their respective league each season.

When player information has been added to the system, it remains there for annual registration before the start of each season; significantly reducing administration time for club volunteers and removing the requirement of repeat paper forms.



The key benefits of the player registration platform have been identified as:

• Maintaining a single record of players within the system was found to be a secure and efficient way of managing player records.

• For those clubs using Full-Time, the integration of records provided clubs with a single view of their players across WGS Club Portal and Full-Time, removing needless duplication of effort and increasing the integrity of player information.

• Future benefits include greater efficiency of player discipline administration and streamlined league registration processes.

The processes have been designed to be as simple as possible and in the first instance you, and any club official you choose extend the player registration role to, are invited to:

- Match players in WGS Club Portal with those in Full-Time (only applicable to clubs already using the player registration function in Full-Time).
- Add any players already in the FA database to your club list.
- Create new records for those players not currently held in the database.
- Assign all players registered with the club to their appropriate team(s).

By completing these short steps, you will have a complete list of all your players within WGS Club Portal, matched where appropriate to Full-Time and attached to the individual’s team. This will have the additional benefit of saving you time next summer should your league decide to use these WGS Club Portal records as the base for league registration for the new season.



Accessing Player Registration and Whole Game System

adding a player by searching in the FA database

Adding a player / carer link

assigning a participant to a team

how to create a player

how to edit player details

how to request offline and online consent

ID verification

submitting a registration to a league


League Guidance

Accessing the Whole Game System

My email exists on more than one account

How to Approve or Reject a Registration

How to Approve or Reject a Transfer

How to Cancel a Registration

Club Guidance

Accessing the Whole Game System

My email exists on more than once account

Adding a Player Registration Officer

How to add a player to your club

How players give consent to play

How to register a Player

Adding a Parent / Carer Fan Record

Detaching players

How to cancel a registration

How to edit player details


If you require any help or support from Lincolnshire FA regarding Player Registration or Whole Game System, please contact or call 01522 596580.

Alternatively, visit The FA's Technology Base HERE

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League training video

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