Lincolnshire FA Referees

Get into Refereeing

Make a difference to the game

Reasons to Referee

Thinking of becoming a referee? Well there's never been a better time to pick up the whistle in Lincolnshire.

  • Play a huge role in ensuring the players enjoy their match day experience
  • Remain active following injury or retirement 
  • Make new and lasting friends 
  • Earn money whilst enjoying the game you love
  • Opportunities to progress
Sian Massey-Ellis
We asked our current workforce why they became a referee

comments from our referees

“Excellent for social wellbeing and fitness.”
“It is a great way to learn new skills, meet people and build confidence.”
“I would recommend becoming a referee, it is good for fitness, it supports the community and builds confidence for young people.”
“The referee community welcomes and fully support anyone who enjoys football.” 
“Improved confidence, enjoyed the games and gain a continued level of fitness.”
“To stay involved with football after playing and give something back to football.”
“Fun, fitness and create friends. You also get opportunities to gain new experiences and referee in different locations.”

Initial Training

The FA Basic Referee Course

In order to become a qualified referee, you will need to take part in a FA Basic Referee Course. 

The course will provide you with an introduction to the 'Laws of the Game' as well as developing the practical skills required to be a football referee. 

Once completed, you will be registered as a Lincolnshire FA referee and will have obtained a qualification recognised throughout the country.


You need no prior experience but you will need to take and pass the FA Basic Referee course. The minimum age to take part is 14.

Get in touch

Declan Ford

Referee Development Manager

What you require prior to booking a FA Referee course. 

To book onto a FA Referee course you must hold/complete the following and shown then on your FAN.  

1. Online laws of the game –

2. Safeguarding children qualification (16+) -

Safeguarding for All (14 &15 years old) –

Further guidance on 14 & 15 year olds completing pre-requests and booking the course. -

3. In date FA DBS – For guidance on how to complete your Referee FA DBS, CLICK HERE

To further details on the course content and upcoming available dates visit


To register your interest in a course or outline any issues/ barriers preventing you from becoming a referee, use the form below.

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