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Referee Mentoring


Mentoring is a powerful tool in the education and development of referees at all levels.

Successful referee education programmes change the behaviour and practices of referees – whether they are newly qualified or international referees.

For this change to occur, learning must take place. Mentoring supports the learning process. Mentoring, quite simply means a one-to-one relationship supporting the development of another referee. The concept is as broad as necessary and as inclusive as possible.

Mentoring is not the same as teaching. It does not revolve around providing solutions. Mentoring means different things with individual referees at different levels. With newly qualified referees and junior referees mentoring should be about empowering and helping referees to control the learning experience for themselves. With more experienced referees it focuses on challenging their beliefs and values they have developed so that they come to a deeper understanding of their role, task and the application and interpretation of the laws. Mentors can help a referee recognise and grasp the learning opportunities presented to them. The role of the mentor is to help make the referees learning experience less accidental.

To find out how you can become a mentor in Lincolnshire, please get in touch on the contact details above.

Get in touch

Declan Ford

Referee Development Manager